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Town of Grabill, Indiana to Hold Downtown Revitalization Ribbon Cutting

August 30, 2022– On September 1, 2022 at 3:00 p.m., the Grabill community will celebrate construction completion of streetscape improvements along State and Main Streets in downtown Grabill as well as façade improvements by the Country Shoppes of Grabill.

The Town of Grabill received U.S. HUD Community Development Block Grant funding for the streetscape project from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs as part of their partnership with the NewAllen Alliance East Allen Rural Revival Plan and the Indiana Regional

Stellar Communities Designation.

The ribbon cutting will be held in downtown Grabill near 13534 Main Street, in the parking lot next to Grabill Hardware. Parking is available at the First Merchants Bank lot at the corner of 1st and Main Streets as well as at the Town Hall located at 13717 First Street. A public reception will be held within the Country Shoppes of Grabill at 13756 Main Street after the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.


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